As a cat owner, we all are more than familiar with the joy of cleaning the litter box. It is a responsibility that we take on for the love of our cat, but we would almost do anything else. I can think of at least a hundred things I would rather be doing than cleaning the cat litter box.
So it only makes sense to share with you 10 litter box tips I wish I had known about to help you make your litter box experience as painless as possible. Whether you have a kitten or multiple cats, these tips are going to blow you away!

Litter Box Tips
Choose the right litter box – For many of us, the trip to the local retail store is as far as we get to any kind of litter box diversity. However, the world of litter boxes is immense and you really do have so many endless choices to choose from. You need to take your cat into account. Things such as size, age and privacy preference all need to be determined before snagging the ideal litter box.
Keep in mind that giving the litter box a test run will also let you know how your cat feels about your choice. You can change the location of the box in your home, try different litter, or include a second box to help your cat have the best experience possible. Worst case, you can try another box and give that a test run!

If you own only one cat who enjoys his privacy, a large hooded litter box may be in order. However, if you own multiple cats, you will find that a hooded box may not be ideal. They don’t like to be sneaked up on as they do their kitty business. Utilize the beauty of Google to help you find the perfect box at the perfect price!
Choose the right litter – As litter box choices are abundant, so are the types of litter. To narrow down the choices, start with choosing clumping or non-clumping litter. I find clumping litter to be more cost efficient as well as a time saver. Next, consider scented or non-scented. This is usually a preference of the owner as many find that scented helps to hide odors, but it can just as easily cause a sensitivity.

Litter Box Tips Continued…
Another option is to use a deodorizer with your cat litter of choice. It can be a much cheaper option over more expensive scented litter and can cause less irritation for your nose! It also helps with the litter having a fresher appearance and scent!
Most litters come in small box or bag choices. Consider trying something for a month and see how it works out with your cat. I can say from experience that the most expensive litter doesn’t always make the best choice. There are so many different litter types to choose from, so don’t be afraid to test run a few before settling on one!

Choose a metal litter scoop – When choosing a litter scoop, most often you will find that your only options are plastic litter scoops. These are usually what I see stocked at many local retail, grocery or even some pet stores. However, these are not ideal at all. For years I had plastic litter scoops and I could never get a firm grip on a large amount of litter at a time.
I found myself scooping the same spot more than once to get it really clean. Thankfully, my husband went to a pet store and found a metal scoop. Let me tell you, this WILL change your life. Get into the kitty scooping big leagues and treat yourself to a metal scoop!

More Litter Tips & Tricks
Choose the best location for the litter box – Now this has as lot to do with your house size as well as your cat’s preference. Putting the litter box in a private area away from heavy traffic is your cat’s first choice. Kitty doesn’t want an audience to share his kitty business with. Many find that the laundry room or a spare bathroom works well for some kitty privacy. You will need to take into account how many cats you have as well.
You don’t want to have multiple cats and only one litter box. My 11 cats each have their own litter box that is located downstairs. It is easily accessible and away from foot traffic. Having litter boxes on each level of the home is also definitely recommended if possible. If your cat needs to get to a box fast, one close by is preferred. Keep in mind that you may have to test out a few areas to find your cat’s favourite one!

Keep the litter box clean – This really goes without saying. You wouldn’t want to use a dirty toilet and neither does your cat. Scooping the litter box daily or at least every 2 days usually does the job. Keep in mind that the best way to reduce litter box smell really is keeping the box as clean as possible. Odor control benefits everyone!
If you find your cat starts to go outside the box, one reason could be the cleanliness factor. Make sure the litter box sides are free from urine and feces every time you scoop. Listen to your cat. Bathroom issues really are their way of telling you something important. Another important thing to remember is that most cat litter is NOT flushable.

No More Litter Box Tears
Check cat waste for problems – Most people want to do the cat litter as fast as possible, which is understandable. However, I find that one of the first signs a cat is having issues, whether emotional or physical, can be noticed in the litter box. There are even health-indicator litters available that will tell you different issues with your cat when they pee!
Make sure that your cat is both urinating and defecating daily. If you start to notice a strange odour, excessive urine, or blood, you will want to get your cat seen immediately by your vet.

Add the power of baking soda – Most people are familiar with the magical power of baking soda. Use it in cooking as well as for countless cleaning applications.
Just like the baking soda box you put in the fridge, you will find that putting one near the litter helps with unwanted odors. You can also sprinkle baking soda into the litter every time you scoop it for a little extra magic!

Blow your nose – Now this is a tip I have never read anywhere, but it is everything if you are the lucky one who cleans the litter box. It is ridiculously important that once you are finished cleaning the cat litter, that you blow your nose and run a tissue around inside the nose. Most of us don’t realize how much litter dust gets into our nose just from the few minutes it takes to clean the litter box.
Try this once and I promise, you will be surprised what a big difference it makes. No one wants to walk around spending the day casually getting a whiff of cat litter because the dust is still in their nose! Of all the litter box tips, this is definitely my favourite.

Do a complete litter change at least once a month – This goes beyond just scooping out the clumps. You will want to change out your litter often enough that your cat can continue to enjoy the fresh litter feeling. Changing out the cat litter also allows you to clean the litter box thoroughly. You may want to do this at least once a month, especially if you have multiple cats. Trust me, your cat will thank you!
Reassess 1-9 often – Sometimes what worked once upon a time, doesn’t work for the here and now. It is important to reassess all nine of these fabulous litter box tips. You want to make sure you and your cat are getting the best litter box experience!
Looking to add more MEOW to your life? Check out these ridiculously fabulous cat posts!
Veterinary Care on a Budget – Because even your cat wants you to save money!
Can Your Cat Sense Illness? – Your cat may know more than you think!
Maintaining Cat Furniture – Your kitty wants to keep playtime safe!
A Beginner’s Guide to Cat Photography – Great photos mean one happy cat!
Randa Derkson says
I’m looking at buying the luuup box, it has great reviews! Litter is my enemy!
Jo Tyo says
I buy the sifting liter box at Walmart. One shot – put it in a trash bag. Put the sifter in the second box and put the liter in that one and the empty on the bottom. 5 minutes to clean 2 liter boxes….
Janette e Waller says
That is a great idea!!!!!
Patty says
Fyi. When doing a total. Clean out, wash and dry. Spray WD40 in corners, along sides. Allow to dry. the clumped litter will pop right out.gor most of the month.
Judy Lawson says
doesn’t the smell of the WD40 bother your cats?
Ellen says
We tried using a non-stick l kitchen spray… worked great until the cat decided to lick it.
Plan ol’ litter for us!!
Julie F says
I tried that newish featherlite litter and it was awful, normally I only find pieces of litter close to the litter box but the new stuff got all over the house, it was so light it stuck to our cats fur, horrible stuff!
Lois says
I swear by Feline Pine. No dust like the clay-based clumping kind and does not smell after continued use.
I change it weekly and do nothing in-between.
Been very happy with it, and so have my cats!!
P.S.: I have had only one cat at a time.
S J Henning says
Go to a “Farm Supply Store” and buy horse bedding pellets. I buy a 40lb bag for under $7. It’s just like Feline Pine and a fraction of the cost.😻
Terry says
I’m with Lois! We love Feline Pine. We use it in the Tidy Cat Breeze litter box and I put one of the pads that come with the system in the bottom tray as a little bit of moisture gets through. The Feline Pine is easy to clean. I use an old spoon for the urine “dust”. (I just haven’t gotten around to buying a plastic sandbox shovel. ). And the slotted shovel that came with the Breeze system to clean the poop out.
Like Lois, I only need to clean it once or twice a week.
Kim K says
Good tips. I’ve never heard the blow your nose tip before. Which pet store did your hubby find the metal scoop at? Our stores all carry plastic.
Kristen says
Metal Scoops can be found at Petland or PetSmart. Easiest way is to google it and order online. Amazon would definitely have one!
Anita says
Had to laugh a bit about the metal scoop, only because it was so familiar. I too was using plastic scoops, the bane of my existence as a cat mom. Sent hubby to pet smart for something, can’t remember, he came back with this wonderful large metal scoop. Never loved that man so much.
Debbie kelsey says
I couldn’t find a metal one at the pet store but did find a purrfect metal scoop in the kitchen utensils Dept at Target that has worked very well and was quite a bit cheaper.
Katie Murphy says
I bought a metal ‘fish and chip’ scoop here in the UK and it works a treat!
Beverly says
I love the metal scoops that have the blades set like a potato fry cutter and not flat. Not sure that’s clear. It stops clogging of the scoop
Barb J says
I line the litter box in a black trash bag. Put the litter in. I remove the bag by turning it inside out. Keeps the litter box Clean. I change the bag every two- three days.
kc says
I guess there are no claws?
Diana says
🙃My cats were feral at the 1st year of their lives, anyone noise like plastic, foil nose, I can’t even cover the litter box, I’m thinking of a long storage box with opening at each end. I’m sure they’ll turn it into a posh bath with a sitting area at each end, at least I’m hoping 😀
Shana Wedhorn says
Twice a day clean the litter box with baking soda …Keeping it simple
Robin says
I have a $600 litter box and hate it. Your idea sounds so much better!
Juliana q says
There’s a better scoop. It cuts through the litter faster, it does a better job of removing waste, & there’s NO SHAKING creating dust.
It’s the Litter Lifter. I’ve tried them all & nothing compares. It cuts scooping time by 75% & it’s a cleaner job. I have 4 cats & I’m a pet caregiver cleaning dozens of clients’ litterboxes.
Janette e Waller says
Walmart has them too
Pam says
I’ve always used a metal scooper. It’s the only thing strong we enough to pick up a big load of urine. That cats have a habit of doing. My husband uses the plastic one. Go figure? He likes using it. Strange man. Oh well, whatever rocks his boat, I guess.
Kiddles says
He’s only scooping the surface of the litter box.
Catsonthebed says
We bought ours on line, it’s a scoop for restaurants frying foods. Have had it 6+ years now and it’s still perfect!
Lucy says
I found mine at Petsmart. Even Walmart has them. They’re pricey. Close to $15-
Janet says
Think about this…. If your cat’s litter is dusty, imagine how much is coating the inside of her nose, getting into her lungs! Heavier sand type litter is minimally dusty, plus its weight prevents it from tracking beyond the box.
Marie says
Have you just thought about wearing a mask when you clean litter, since we have to wear them anyway, because of COVID.
Neva says
I’ve been wearing a mask while scooping all my boxes for years. Discussed it with an ear, nose & throat doc and she thought it was a good idea.
Kim says
I simply pull my t shirt up over my nose, thus eliminating any litter dust to enter my nostrils.
Works for me.
Bee says
I started using a face mask I like this idea better I hate I never did this before the pandemic open up this idea.
Gail says
You can get them from Amazon
Karen says
I ordered mine from Amazon.
Ember Shapiro says
I have a dozen cats in a small space, so we only have 2 litter boxes. That being said, I use a melamine scoop, and sprinkle the bottom of the box with baking soda (just in case there are any leaks). I then place a plastic liner (like a trash bag in the bottom, more baking soda, and then place sifting liners (5 in a box, and I get a box of liners for each box) with elastic that stretches over the box (covering both the inside and outside of the box), and then add litter and baking soda to each box. I have found that if I clean the boxes 3x/day, I can usually just scoop it out and add more litter and baking soda for about 3 days provided there are no messes on the inner sides of the plastic liner. If there is, or every 2-3 days, I lift the elastic from around the bottom of the box (like taking a fitted sheet off of a bed) and hold it over the box shaking it lightly to aid in the sifting process as the clean litter falls through the holes onto the next liner, and throw the waste away. Then I just add more litter and baking soda. When I have used liner #5 (usually weekly with 12 cats and only 2 litter boxes), I pull the whole thing off (sifting liner and the “trash bag” liner) in a 1 step, no mess process. Every week I completely wash and dry 2 litter boxes, 2 scoops, and their holders and start fresh. When friends come to visit, they are always amazed that they didn’t notice any strong odor when they first entered or any lingering odors they would expect in a small space with 12 felines. Several guests have mentioned that the smell of cat urine in other people’s homes (with larger homes and fewer cats) was strong enough that they had decided against owning a cat because they did not want their house to smell like a litter box. Some of my friends changed their minds about cats after visiting my place, and even follow parts of my routine. My cats add so much joy and love to my life, and I am so happy I can help others enjoy having kitties too!
Kristen says
This is truly fabulous! Thank you for having such a big heart to care for fur babies soooo well!!!!!!
Michelle says
I love and admire cat parents like you❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️💞💗😻🥰🤩❤️
R. Terry says
We got ours at PetSmart.
Sharon Binette says
I wear a mask when cleaning the litter box. I use sweat Litter so far I love it.
Monica says
Okay, I need to go out and get a metal scoop…I didn’t even know they existed! And…I will now be blowing my nose after cleaning the box. Great tips, thanks for sharing them with us.
Laura Crabtree says
The best metal litter scoop I found is a Martha steward one I got it at pet smart & it is totally awesome. We use to own a very large pet store so I was familiar with & tried most everything out there. & I raised rag dolls & had over 100 cats. But that litter scoop is worth every penny I paid for it. I use swheat scoop premium plus litter also.
Beverly says
I loved the advice to blow your nose. I always wondered why i kept smelling the litter after i cleaned it. Duh!
Connie says
If It’s in your nose imagine your cats! I like UN-scented A & H
I also think the per reacts to scented.. I actually smell IT MORE!!
Brenda Lakin says
I remember hearing that cats hate perfumes and because of that I do not use scented litter and baking soda for litter boxes.
Jo-Anne Pfoh says
I use a plastic milk container, the ones that hold the bags for my scoop. With 7 litters and arthritic hands I can get a better hold. Great tips ty
Heather says
Great post, thank you! You are so right about what might work now may not later. I loved our Breeze system and for a year, so did our cat. Or so I thought. She began defecating outside of the box and I couldn’t figure out why. Bought her a new pan with regular clumping litter, and no issues anymore! I suppose those big pellets weren’t comfy for her and she had simply been tolerating them. Also, the plastic scoop that came with the Breeze is the only plastic scoop I have ever liked. I use doggie bags to eliminate the waste and it’s the perfect size to get everything into those bags.
Kristen says
Love hearing this Heather! So glad you were able to resolve the kitty litter issues so your kitty can be happy again!!!! Meowy Hugs!
Kristy says
During the monthly litter change it helps to rinse the pan with white vinegar a couple of times prior to refilling it.
Kristen says
Thank you for sharing this tip Kristy. It is really fantastic!
Katie Murphy says
MONTHLY?! With only 3 Kitkababes, weekly. Vinegar great, but will rinse super well or cats decline!
Chrissy Russell says
Totally agree once a month is not hygenic. I am a cat breeder, and I use silica gel and even removing the poo daily for my cats, I still replace weekly. Also bleach your litter trays and leave for at least 10 minutes before thoroughly rinsing.
Stacy says
Silica gel is toxic to animals. Please research before trying this. They get caught in paws then clean, very dangerous.
Nika says
I have 2 very active kittens and I totally change litter and clean cat litter box twice weekly. I have 2 cat litter boxes: one litter box I leave in my garage and the other I leave in the bathroom. The kittens both prefer the litter box in the garage:
Raluca says
Of course, you could use silicate litter and get rid of most of your problems. No other tricks needed.
Gord says
Some great tips in your post, thanks. I didn’t know about the “blowing your nose” tip until now.
kathy downey says
Great tips,i love removing everything from the little box and giving it a good cleaning and adding new litter at the end of the month.Great tip about the nose.
Dolores Miranda says
These are great tips!I have 2 cats and Im forever cleaning the box!!
Kathy Moxley says
I hated scooping cat litter too! After several attempts of using different cat litter I came up with the idea to use the crystallized litter on top of a large P pad for dogs. I place the pad down and about three large scoops of the litter the P goes through it to the bottom no scooping the pad soaks it in the poops it’s on top I clean that out daily at the end of the week I change the whole box out. It might be a little more expensive but if you buy the largest bag of crystallize litter and the cheapest pads it’s worth not having to scoop the p out!
Alison says
I also use the pee pads under the crystallized litter. Works awesome. I have a Sr cat and it can get a little stinky but this has helped a lot.
Calvin F. says
Useful tips. I always have to clean the litterbox a couple times a day.
Beth says
Glad to know I’m not the only one! I have 4 adult cats and one kitten. We keep one hooded litter box down the hallway from our bathroom and 2 more regular litter boxes (non-hooded) in our basement.
MsCatLover says
The rule of thumb for the number of litter boxes is the number of cats you have plus one. I have two cats so we have 3 litter boxes. You will find the number of boxes per cat plus one rule all over the internet, including the ASPCA.
Jeanette says
I do not own any cats because of allergies but I have a friend that has three. She has some health issues so I think I’m going to tell her about blowing her nose after cleaning out the litter. I would’ve never thought about that myself.
Diane H. Kuhn says
I recently changed my cats litter to a new type. I love it, they love it. I have 2 cats and 4 boxes. Before I changed the litter my male cat with bladder issues peed beside the box. Now he always gets in it I scoop once per day, change monthly after a good washing and my metal scoop is always scrubbed with antiseptic cloths and let air dry.
Cheryl Hettich says
What litter did you change to? I have been using walnut cat litter and my cats seem to like it.
Mama to 6 Blessings says
I did not know about the nose blowing. I wish I knew these great tips when my cat was alive.
Gail says
I use Oko Cat no dust easy clean up I scoop every day It clumps no mess
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle says
These are excellent tips. We don’t have a cat, but we’ve been thinking about it. I’m bookmarking this just in case we do.
Colleen Lanin says
I’m a huge fan of clumping litter. I’ve never understood why anyone would want litter that didn’t clump. It makes things so much easier.
Sarah says
I agree with everything on this list. Choosing the right litter box was the key when we had two cats…one loved the electronic litter box that we bought that was self cleaning, the other hated it and constantly tried to sabotage it deliberately. Cats are so finicky when they are comfortable, they make sure that no one is comfortable.
Amy Desrosiers says
I had no idea that litter boxes needed to be changed once a month. When I had a cat for a brief amount of time, I changed her litter completely like every week.
TColeman says
I had no idea about the metal litter scoop. Most of the ones that you see at the store are plastic. Good to know!
LaShawn says
We can’t have a cat due to my husband being allergic, but i have a friend who loves hers. I will make sure i tell her the tip about blowing her nose when she is done cleaning out the box!
Susan says
I have 2 Cornish Rex cats. No one is allergic to mine.
Stacie says
These are all great tips. I didn’t know about blowing your nose. I will have to remember that.
Sherry says
I will have to pass these tips on to my daughter since she is in charge of doing the cat litter. I will have to get her a metal scoop though, make it a little easier for her.
Lisa Bristol says
These are great littler box tips I will have to look for a metal scoop to try. I have two cats and they can get stinky.
Liz Mays says
Wow, this is good advice! I never really considered how much dust I’ve probably been inhaling.
Adelina Priddis says
These are great tips! I haven’t owned a cat since I was a kid, but in the case I ever do get a kitty again I will remember these.
Kathy says
These are all great tips. I have three cats, so these will come in handy. Cleaning the litter box is never fun to do, so thanks for the tips.
Brianne says
These are excellent tips for cats. The litter box can be tough sometimes to get out odors!
reesa says
I don’t have a cat so I really don’t know anything about them! I will share this with my brother who has cats.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
People might be surprised to learn that some cats really don’t like a dirty litter box. I prefer a scented, clumping litter.
Jane Eckert-Bonus says
So do I. Hi Im Jane, I love cats dogs and ALL animals. Ive had many cats and my house was their palace. The litter box cleaned daily and yes dump the litter once a month and I clean the litter box in the bath tub. It works great. My last cat Jazzy knew when I was cleaning her litter box tboughouly every month. She would follow me and get really happy and start running around. They know alot, cats are very smart. Love to read all everyones replys about our Kittys/ Cats. Thank u Jane.
Tam says
Complete changing of litter only once a month. Yuk! Once a week at least and I remove poop straight away
Sarah says
Wow, I didn’t know any of these. I’ll have to share this with my best friend, she has two cats.
Laurie Beth says
Cat boxes are always a chore! This is a great checklist for the new and old cat momma!
Mary says
I use the plastic container the litter comes in when cleaning their litter box. I put the pee and poop back in it, close it. No ordor or small nats anymore.
Kristen says
Great idea Mary. I do that occasionally as well!!!!!
Toni | Boulder Locavore says
These are really awesome tips! I don’t have a cat but this will be helpful to my friends who have. Thanks for sharing!
Alicia Gonzalez says
The blowing your nose tip is genius! I’d never heard of that before, but it makes so much sense. I can’t believe I’d never thought of that back when I had kittens.
Mel Vance says
Great tips! So many things to consider when getting a cat that litter box care gets easily missed! I think my followers would find this really helpful. Great blog!
Lynn says
We have 6 cats, all with their own bathroom habits. Thanks for tips. As for allergies to cats, only one of our 6 cats affects me. His dander may be different im not sure. I do recommend meeting different cats to adopt before dismissing the idea of having one. Cats are such a joy to live with and occasionally sneezing beats not having one.
Jo Kubes says
I have no need to blow my nose. Because of dust bothering me, I wear a disposible face mask when i do my litter scooping I use a heavy plastic scoop that I drilled bigger holes in it that I got at the dollar store. Best thing I did was place litter box on shower chair ( it is in extra shower stall), No more bending over when cleaning the box.
Anne says
I don’t use clumping litter after reading an article written by a veterinarian about the potential problems it could cause in a cat’s respiratory tract and lungs. Moisture causes it to clump, sometimes very hard, so when a cat is digging in his/her litter they’re inhaling all the dust created right into their respiratory tract and lungs, which are moist. It’s going to clump just like when urine hits that litter. I’m not willing to take the chance of causing any harm to my kitties, or, for that matter, to myself because I change their litter and would probably inhale some of that myself. I would guess most litter causes a certain amount of dust, but the clumping stuff causes me a lot of concern for my cats. I use pine pellets, scoop and change it frequently.
Theresa says
My daughter suggested World’s Best litter. It made such a difference. Cat litter box smell left the house! You don’t have to use a lot of it either. Chewy has the best deals on it too!
Karen says
Had never heard that! How scary!! Wonder why it hasn’t been widely publicized?
Linda Willbrandt says
The tips on the litter box is great. I have such a large cat, I have gone through 6 little boxes before I finally found one with sides tall enough to contain the spray – it is a plastic storage bin I got out of the storage area at Target, threw the lid away, but a ‘walk through’ in the side, and no more spraying off the side of the box!
Brenda Lakin says
I have had a large hybrid cat for ten years and used to have 3 cats. Because of his size , I started out with the large plastic storage container and still swear by it. My cat likes to scratch and cover and I never have any litter on the floor . Because it is so large, I don’t have to scoop every day.. I just add litter when I hear him hit the plastic when scratching. I scoop and use Baking soda for litter boxes. I have not had any odor problems even when I had three cats. The large size box has been the most important thing for my large cat.
Cathy Armato says
These are all great tips, but blowing your nose afterwards is something I’ve not heard of before – that’s a really good idea!
Sue says
Thanks for the nose tip.
I hope it’s ok to name a specific brand. I use Dr Elsey Precious Cat litter. Awesome! It’s unscented so when in the laundry room I don’t smell the littter.
I have a tip too! You know how clumps of litter stick to the sides of the box? Just lift the box a few inches and give it a kick. Voila!
Kisses to all the kitties. ❣️
Heidi says
I was not aware of metal scoops! I’ve always used plastic and have had the handle break off while scooping with a cheap plastic scoop.
We are currently switching to Boxie Cat as have one cat that is quite picky and doesn’t always use the litter box 🙁
Judith Bloom says
We use World’s Best cat litter and find it to be wonderful. One of our cats is diabetic and pees a lot. This litter clumps beautifully and can be flushed down the toilet. It also is very low dust. We clean our boxes weekly and use bleach and water. The cats love a clean box!
Mel Vance says
Great tips! I can definitely agree that a metal scoop is a GOD SEND!
Elizabeth Matthiesen says
I don’t have a cat but these tips will be very useful to those who do 🙂
Jane says
I raised two kittens from a couple days old. They used the litter box very early. . They are seven years old now. One of them stopped using the litter box.and goes on the floor. Looking for help, any suggestions?
Kristen says
Whenever you have litter habit changes, they are trying to tell you something. It could be cleanliness of the litter or even the litter you are using. Health concerns also come up, so it may be time for a vet visit for your kitty!
Paula says
I just saw this article, but wanted to tell you I had a CAT that did the same thing–peeling on the floor, even in front of me. I took him to the vet and he had a blockage. He had surgery and was back to normal after that.
Brenda Lakin says
I had a cat years ago that would pee on a piece of paper kr in a white bathroom sink. He only did this when he had a problem with his urinary tract to tell me he was having a problem. The urine was pink and he tried to do this on a white or light background so I would see it. That was a smart cat and he lived to the age of 22.
Erica Seelig says
In California and I trust elsewhere, is a litter called Worlds Best Cat Litter, and it is. It is light weight, FLUSHABLE, and does a pretty good job of keeping odor down. I scoop daily, of course, and that is necessary if your cat(s) is to be happy and you also.
Aubrey says
This is a fantastic read especially about the metal scoops. Once I went metal, I didn’t want to go back. Hehe. Anyways, thank you for writing this out! This is a great article for any first-time cat parent or someone else who’s considering adopting more than one cat. 🙂
Janet says
My lifesaving tip is to choose the right litter. I’ve used them all and hated them all until I found “WORLDS BEST LITTER”. It’s flushable !!! I keep the litter box in the bathroom, scoop into the toilet and flush !! That’s all. Truly amazing.
Linda H says
These are all great tips. I liked the ones about using baking soda and blowing your nose after cleaning the litter box.
Reneau says
I will be looking for a metal scoop soon! My 13 year old cat travelled with me from California to Alabama, and every night of the trip, I was so glad I use a “bin” with a lid for her. She got to use her familiar litter box and I didn’t have to haul an open bin in & out of hotel rooms! I clean twice daily, with clumping litter and I have a Litter Genie, which helps control odor, but I hate that plastic scoop! Thanks for your hint list!
ak says
I accidently found the metal scoop at Walmart ($5.00) a few years ago.
Kitty says
You will do your cat a favour by choosing clumping, non-scented litter filling. They don’t like the fresh smell.
Scott says
Yes exactly. The scented stuff is for human benefit not for the cat. Do not add any fragrances or extra chemicals. They are only for your benefit not for your cat.
All fine tips here. Make sure your boxes are easily accessible to your cat and not too remote in your house.
Kitty says
Also: use the 1+1 rule… 1 cat = 2 litter boxes , 2 cats = 3 litter boxes, 3 cats= 4 litter boxes etc. And spread them around the house on various places.
Paige says
Love the metal scoop, bought one when I rescued my cat. One of the best investments was a litter genie. Makes scooping and disposing of waste so much easier and it doesn’t make your house smell. The liners last up to 8 weeks for one cat. I change mine every 2 weeks and clean the litter box weekly, plus I scoop 2xs a day, my girl is fussy. I found that mixing the non clumping litter and clumping litter cuts back tremendously on matting as well as finding less litter around the house.
Melanie Shearman says
I recently read— and was surprised you didn’t mention— that litter boxes should be replaced once a year as they absorb the smells and such even while using a liner. I don’t have the space to wash out a litter box monthly, so I use liners. Another great hint for those of us unable to get out daily but are scooping into a trash can: cut down odor by dumping your used coffee grounds into your trash can.
Robin Tuttleby says
If you live in a house with a garden but want to keep your cat enclosed this may be an option. The sideway of my house was only used to store rubbish. I netted it, installed a cat door and put about 10cm (4 inches) of mulch on the ground. (Available at no cost from our council.) Threw out the litter box!! Once I was sure the cats would use it I added plants, a ramp to high shelves and a door at one end so I can get in and garden. I wish I had done it decades before. The sideway is 1 metre by 5 metres and as high as the roof. Plenty for 2 cats.
Catmomdu says
Robin, are you saying you have a garden in the same area where your 2 cats go out to do their duty several times a day??? I certainly hope that it’s only a flower garden & not a garden where you grow food that you eat. That would be disgusting 😝
Joy says
I check the litter morning and night and when I go past during the day. If it has been used I scoop
Much nicer for the cats and us
Suzanne says
I’ve had cats since I was a little girl and I’m now 69. I have two kitties at present and have always used a metal scoop because they last virtually forever. The one I have now is probably 15 or so years old.
I never use scented litter because I’ve had too many cats who hated it and would void outside the box until I replaced it. I don’t particularly like clumping litter either – it seems to get used up too fast. Currently I’m using the ‘pretty’ stuff and it works very well, but you MUST stir it daily. Not difficult, especially if you have a metal scoop and you can get the solids at the same time. As far as the pan itself is concerned, I hate the plastic ones. So I managed to get my hands on a stainless steel pan. It’s about 16″x 19″ and almost 5 inches deep – perfect! It doesn’t rust, does NOT hold odors, is very easy to scrub when necessary. Plus you don’t have to scrub it as often as you would plastic, again, because it doesn’t hold odors like plastic does. It’s big enough for the two cats and they have no problem with it. If you want one, check out some online restaurant supply stores – you’ll find lots of them. They can be pricey, but it will last for years and years, ultimately saving you money as you’re not buying a new plastic one (or two,etc.) every year or so. Lastly, I never checked, but can plastic litter boxes be recycled? I have no idea. I know stainless steel can be but I’ve had this box for about five years and it’s still going strong. And I don’t mind doing whatever I can to keep plastic out of our environment.
Michele Reay says
You are the only person to mention the use of plastic.
You are environmentally very cool!
I didn’t even know there were metal litter scoops. I will run over to Pet Smart and get one or order one due to the pandemic. 😊
Thanks for your awareness
Libby says
I have large cats. I purchased 9-gallon storage containers at the home improvement store for a fraction of the price of a litter box. I cut a hole out of the lid to create a collar for the litter box liner that I use. I put a puppy pad in the bottom of the litter box, then the liner bag and put in my litter. I use crystal litter as it means less scooping than with a clumping litter and crystal liter is lighter weight. I then put the lid/collar on to keep the liner in place. The litter will usually last me about 10 days to 2 weeks. I just pull out the litter bag, synch, and toss it in the trash. If the liner got punctured by an overzealous scratcher, the puppy pad keeps the box clean, easily replaced with a new pad. Litter box change over is now done in less than a minute as I no longer have to wash, rinse, and dry the box. The high sides of the storage container keep the litter inside the box and prevent the walls from getting sprayed.
Nika says
Let me also add, I clean the litter boxes of poop and pee ( I use clumping litter) maybe 3 or 4 times a day. Because I have 2 kittens and 2 litter boxes so, I make sure they are extra clean.
Marie Kerley says
I use the heavy black trash bags to line (bottom and sides) of my plastic litter boxes. I use a plastic scoop and clean boxes every day sometimes 2 times a day. When I do a thorough clean, I just throw out the litter and turn the plastic trash bag over and refill with fresh litter. I can even turn the plastic bag inside out and still reuse it.
I also have allergies and I’m glad to read the tip about blowing your nose.
lia chatzi says
i wear the corona mask to clean the litter box !it works :p
Ashlee says
Another great place you can find well worth it pet stuff is on the chewy app especially kitty litter they also have this cat litter on there that has little to no dust just for the cat on the bag it will say for respiratory and it’s one of the only places I’ve been able to find 15 pound of cat litter that’s not super pricey and all natural cat litter is a good Option two if you’re worried about dust they even have clumping natural cat litter
Tania says
Just read this as have 2 feral cats in the barn , getting usedd to my place before being let out and a semi feral in the house spending time getting used to us. We mainly use wood pellets, dont smell and easy to handle, what i dont understand is only cleaning out the litter tray once a month, even removing the poop, it must stink, we pick every day with a bamboo scoop (better for environment than plastic) and fully clean every couple of days. Think i know which i would prefer!
Ria Pretorius says
Just read all the article and comments, I have and had cats/kittens all my life.
Litter pans/boxes
I used to buy litter pans/boxes all the time. I found that all cats tend to scratch litter right out of the litterbox, so I just bought a normal plastic tub or plastic baby bath which is deeper than a litter box and NOW there is no hassle with litter all over the floors from scratching. It can be any shape really, round or square does not matter. Best of all….It is cheaper by far.
Cat litter.
I use any litter what we have here in SA. I do not like clumpy litter at all. Instead of using one litterbox for a week or month, I use 2 litter boxes.
Cleaning it by scooping daily, I also change it out by putting in a new litter box for everyday, letting the old litter box *breath* in a sunny spot or outside if you can (I put mine outside in the sun) until the next day when I exchange the litter boxes. Doing this, the smell does not get extensive and you can use cat litter a little longer than for 1 or 3 weeks. I do however exchange my cat litter to new litter once a month and I am not stingy with how much litter I use in each kitty box. I also wash and *sterilize* the boxes before changing the litter.
Marilyn curtis says
I do one other thing when cleaning out liter box! I wear glasses to protect my eyes from getting anything near them. Clean glasses also after doing the cleaning!
Miriam says
Your comments are really useful especially the cleaning the nose after changing litter. So what’s the best litter, I love cats and have two females. 12 and two year old. The two year old is very active and loving but she is mean n chasing the older away whenever she is on ground 12 yr old has started resting on high furniture and sits there all day. I feel sad that12 has lost her place to the 2. I used different eating bowls but I large litter tray when I moved . I was advised that each should have their own litter trays. I started 2 litter trays and the situation is muc better.
I thought I’ll share for others with similar problems
Patricia says
More tips..when cleaning,you can sit while you are doing it. To empty box when doing thorough I fit a big green garbage bag around box and then slide everything into the bag. I line the bottom of the box with a few layers of wax paper which can then be pulled out separately if needed for smell control. The litter will then stick to the paper and not to the box itself. I use clumping and do a thorough every week. my cat is ok with me using window cleaner and paper towels to clean her box. I do let the box air a few minutes before putting the paper in, followed by the litter.. Maybe ten to fifteen minutes to do the job.
Alexis Welch says
I’m a new cat owner and sorry but those are all just things that someone with good common sense would already be doing. 🤨
Susan Odenbach says
This is a laugh for everyone. I have two funny 9 month old kittens. Cat pan #1 is a large hooded style. Cat pan #2 is a small 3 part sifting open pan. They do their main business in the hooded pan and then “wash their hands” in the little pan for all their cover up scratching. Net result, yucky big pan and spotless little pan and two happy big kittens who often synchronize their “doings”, one politely waiting for the other. Sue in Vancouver WA
Kristen says
Love this!!!
Gelly says
Sorry, but “Do a complete litter change once a month”. A month!! Those kitties going to end up with UTIs….
Kristen says
I hear you on this. Definitely can be done way more often if need be!
Monica Parlee says
Oh wow…I love all the great tips!! I had no idea that I should be blowing my nose after cleaning the litter box and I’m definitely picking up a metal scoop!!
Sheila Taylor says
I second the clean it often and have multiple boxes. I have 3 for 2 cats.
Kristen says
Definitely! Three boxes for two kitties is purrfect!!
Matthew Tully says
Great tips! By the time I’m done cleaning the boxes I have to blow my nose. 👃
Kristen says
Yes! Blowing your nose isn’t something most people ever think about, but sooooo worth doing!
Eileen says
I had been told by my vet not to use baking soda as it has the potential to cause respiratory problems down the road. There has been no sneezing or any other respiratory problems linked to baking soda since I stopped using it.
Peggiesue Boody says
I put cotton balls up my nostrils and gently breathe through my mouth.
Janae says
Baking soda works!! I sprinkle it in everything. My carpet cleaner mentioned that it helps, especially before vacuuming. Seems to be doing the trick. Thanks for these lovely tips! <3