Without a doubt, I am sure a good majority of you can relate to the constant need to evaluate and re-evaluate life as we age. I don’t remember every doing it as a teenager or even in my early twenties. However, as time goes on and
I now find myself a 31-year-old wife and mother, I cannot help but notice a much greater understanding of the life I have lived thus far and where it has taken me. Don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer that I still have millions things to learn and that not until the good Lord takes me home, will I ever be truly “enlightened” to all the mysteries life holds.
Yet, I often reflect on my first 31 years and think, what in the world was I thinking? So in celebration of the fact that I have actually grown in knowledge as each year ticks by (thank goodness!), I want to share 5 Lessons Life Has Taught Me So Far….
#1 ~ No Amount of Regret or Wishful Thinking can change the past. I will admit that this one is something I have to remind myself daily, especially since regret can seep in so easily. I believe we need to value the lessons we have learned and use that knowledge to better ourselves from it.
#2 ~ Failure is not an option and Nothing is Impossible. This is a more recent (within the last year) motto I have found that really helps drive me. I find it so unfortunate how so many will give up on various aspects of their lives just because “they can” or the ever popular “I don’t want to bother anymore.” The moment you give up on something that once held real value to you in your life, is the moment you have given up on yourself.
#3 ~ Just because its Popular doesn’t make it Right. I think this is one lesson that people usually learn after their teenage years and speaks for itself.
#4 ~ Sleep is very under-rated. I say this as a parent who has not had a wonderful nights sleep in several years..hehe. As children and teenagers, we find sleep restrictive and do our best to avoid it, but oh how I wish I could take a nap everyday now … *smile
#5 ~ Appreciate what you have while you have it. This really applies to all aspects of life. We often find ourselves to busy for almost everything, but always keep in mind that nothing is permanent, so value that which is closest to your heart (and I am not talking about material possesions…).
I hope this has given you a little insight into my life lessons, but always keep in mind, we each bring different lessons to the table and grow from those differences ♥
JanetGoingCrazy says
“Sleep is underrated” made me giggle…who needs it anyway?!!
Ashley S says
What great lessons to share 🙂
Greta says
I have to admit – a nap is one of my near-daily indulgences.
Mariah says
These were all great but #5 really spoke to me. That is a life lesson I had drive home about 9 months ago and it has really changed my entire life. Appreciate the little things! You never know when they will be gone!
melissa says
I need my sleep but I don’t get much of it these days. What a great post. I need your confidence:)