Who doesn’t love Disney? Most of us start our Disney adventures as children and definitely have our favourites. For me, I have shown my love for everything Disney by naming my cats after various favourite characters throughout the years. My cats always hold a special place in my heart and I always pick their names with care.
Sometimes the Disney names come to me after a few days with my cat or I know instantly! These Disney Inspired Cat Names will help you find just the right name for your adorable bundle of fur!

Disney Inspired Cat Names!
Alice – From Alice in Wonderland. My ginger lady is named Alice. She is a gorgeous ginger kitty. She came to me as a foster (yes, I am foster failure) and I knew instantly her name should be Alice.
Aurora – From Sleeping Beauty. My dear Aurora passed away many years ago. She was such the character and so loving. Aurora was quite the talker and never passed up kitty treats. She was quite the princess!
Gotta LOVE the Little Mermaid!
Ariel – From The Little Mermaid. I gave the name Ariel to my Mother’s cat, who lived a very long and frisky life. She had a moody demeanour, but could cuddle up with the best of them.
Belle – From Beauty and the Beast. My Belle was a kitty like none other. She acted so human that you almost forgot she was a cat. She was a true beauty and lived a very full life.

Berlioz – From The Aristocats! It’s definitely not a name you hear very often. It makes the perfect name for a new kitty in your life! I have yet to use the name for one of my cats, but I know it will eventually happen as I really love the uniqueness of the name!
Cheshire – From Alice in Wonderland. This is the first time I had a name ready prior to getting a kitten. I knew I wanted just the right kitty to fit this name and he came in the form of my pure white Ragdoll. His brilliant white fur and his blue eyes just steal your heart in an instant. He loves to give kisses and play with his best friends, Figaro and Toulouse!
More Disney Cat Names to Love
Cubby – From Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Cubby was the sweetest black cat I have ever had the pleasure of loving. He had such a big heart and was always kind to other animals. So many good memories with him!
Duchess – From the Aristocats! The mother of my cat Alice and Jasper was named Duchess. She was a brave outdoor cat who was eventually rescued along with her sweet kittens!
Figaro – From Pinocchio. I named my Ragdoll, Figaro. He is absolutely gorgeous and seal-mitted. He loves to talk and often walks around the house yowling for someone’s attention. And just like a true Ragdoll, he loves to be snuggled!
Finn – From Cars 2. When I took in a mother cat with her two kittens, it took me a while to decide on a name for the ginger kitten. He is a very light ginger color and with the quietest meow. This name fits him perfectly!

Jasper – From 101 Dalmations as well as Sofia the First. My Jasper is my ginger gentleman and Alice is his brother. He is a spicy ginger with a heart of gold. He is the only cat I have ever had that accepts all animals upon meeting them.
Marie – Another kitty name from The Aristocats! Marie is an adorable French name for just the right cat! My cat as a child was named Mary and she holds the most special place in my heart!
The Aristocats is definitely a Popular choice!
Mary Ann – From Alice in Wonderland. She is a stray cat I took in during the winter with her two kittens. Mary Ann is a calico and gives the best meow-ssages! She definitely has the calico spirit about her, but very loving.
Mickey – It doesn’t get more classic than the name Mickey! My Mom had an outdoor cat named Mickey and he was just the sweetest tuxedo cat ever!

Minnie – You can’t go wrong with a classic! A mouse name for a cat? Why, YES!!! Plus, Minnie is just a fun word to say!!
Mulan – From Mulan. My Mulan is a long-hair kitty. I found her in the middle of the road as a kitten. She has the quietest little meow and is very shy, but so sweet.
Piglet – A cute choice from Winnie the Pooh! My Mom had a sweet ginger boy kitty named Piglet. He was an outside cat that was rugged, yet gentle.
Sebastian – From The Little Mermaid. My Sebastian was my kitty sun and stars. I went for a bed & breakfast getaway and ended up coming home with him. He was a handsome tabby with a baby meow. Sebastian loved to talk to me and would come when I called him. He was always there and if I walked past without giving him attention, his paw would jet out and remind me to love him.
Have You Picked a Disney Cat Name Yet?
Sweetums – From The Muppets. We found a tuxedo cat in a field and brought him home. He loves to be picked up and treated like a baby. He has been such a great addition to our family!
Thackery Binx – From Hocus Pocus. I have yet to name any cat this, but I would love too. Always loved watching Hocus Pocus and perfect name for a black cat!
Tigger – From Winnie the Pooh. This was my Mother’s calico cat years ago. She had many litters of kittens and was a good mother cat. She lived a good life and will never be forgotten!
Toulouse – From The Aristocats. It took me a couple days to finally decide this name for my Maine Coon/Himalayan/Persian. He is such a striking kitty and his size screams Maine Coon. His huge paws and dark colours are so breathtaking that you can’t help but love him. He also has a little meow, which just adds to his adorableness!
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Linda Cassidy says
If I ever changed Lou’s name to a real girl name it would be Aurora
Kristen says
This touched my heart because my sweet Aurora, looked a LOT like Lou…*smile
ST says
All cool names for cool cats. I must come for a snuggle soon.
Kristen says
Absolutely!!!!!!! My cats LOVE your visits!
Tania B says
I always remember the cat’s name from Cinderella – Lucifer! Don’t know that I would name my cat that unless he was really naughty!
Jo-Anne Pfoh says
I love where your cats names came from lol Clearly Satan, Slash, Psycho, Shit Disturber, Doom, come from horror movies and Squeaker and Sassy just well are lol
kathy downey says
Sebastian is my FAVORITE but they are all nice
Elizabeth Matthiesen says
What cute names for a cat. If I had a pet it would be named Fraggles. 🙂
Calvin F. says
Cool cat names ! 😀
Kimberly Sinclair says
My kitty’s name is Nala from the Lion King!
Linda H says
I’ve always had cats but never used Disney character names, usually have just picked names related to coloring or personality.
JohnPiazza@Piazza-law.com says
Yes, we too have our darling Nalla. I thought it would have made the list as much as Figaro
ST says
You might want to add Ally (Cat) inspired by Aristocats and brother Earl (Grey) because it’s just cool. Give your kitties a pet and twice for Jasper.