The hardest part of loving any animal is the moment we have to say goodbye. This never gets easier, but it is just part of the story. Our lives are blessed with only a certain amount of time with each pet and after that, all we have are the good memories. Losing a beloved pet hurts, but I would never change it for a second. The journey is worth the cost.

Remembering Kayden – Losing a Beloved Pet
When it comes to writing this post, I honestly cannot even begin to express how much I wish the need for this post didn’t exist. However, sometimes the hands of time work against us and we end up with situations, regrets and pain that can only be tolerated in due time. I have no better way to deal with my grief of this situation, than to write about it and hope I can find some comfort in that.
On Tuesday (May 15, 2012), my beloved kitty, Kayden, passed away. He had been diagnosed with chronic renal failure in January of this year and since the condition is terminal, it was a waiting game that I had hoped would last for many years rather than a few months. He was only 6 years of age, which made losing him so much harder. He was in his prime and my mischievious and playful kitty, until his illness stole that away.
Kayden had been with me since he was a kitten. A friend of mine had called me one morning while I was having breakfast with my Dad and told me about finding a kitten crying in her bush. Apparently, a few days prior, someone had dumped the poor kitten on the yard of a garage sale and drove off. The kitten eventually wandered into her bush and it was there he stayed until she found him.
Being that I absolutely love cats and have a tendency to help every animal I can, she naturally called me. So after breakfast, I headed over to see what shape the kitten was in and decide how I could help. Immediately upon arriving at her home, she walked out her door holding the most adorable, yet dirty, kitten in her arms. I was immediately enchanted by his cute face and beautiful white coloring. My heart reached out to him and I knew at that moment, that I would take the kitten home and give him the happy life he deserved.
The thought that someone would have thrown him out sickened me, as it still does to this day. He became part of our family and despite his mischievious boy-kitty nature, I loved him every minute.
For 6 years, he ran around leaping and jumping, meowing and playing, and reminding me that life was to be enjoyed. So when he fell ill in January and had to be hospitalized for 3 days, I was forced into realizing that despite his middle-age, his clock was ticking far quicker than most. The vet let us know that he was suffering from chronic renal failure and since he had gotten to the “crash point,” he was obviously farther along with the illness and the only option was palliative care.
Thus, I gave him medication twice a day and subcutaneous fluids weekly. And while I had such hope for his improvement, despite the prognosis, my hope ultimately was not enough. Kayden ended up losing his battle and it is here that I find myself, grieving.
No amount of tears or pleading with God will change the story, but I have faith that one day, Kayden and I will be reunited again to start a new chapter ♥
Angie says
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your baby. I know that he leaves many lasting paw prints across your heart. The following is the card that we send from my clinic to mommies and daddies when they lose their furr babies. My sympathies as I know this a difficult time for you. Angie
“Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…. ”
Author unknown…
Kristen says
Angie …. Thank you sooooo much for sharing that beautiful poem. I know we will be reunited again and it means a lot that you took the time to read about him and share!!!! Have a fantastic weekend Angie!!!!!!!!!!!
Maryann D. says
All my sympathy in the loss of your sweet, beautiful kitty. I do know how hard it is to lose a loving pet, since I lost a dog and cat. I loved them both too much, they are such a part of our family. Knowing that you took him in as a kitten and gave him a wonderful home and loving care should help you. You took such good care of him until the end, and you are a terrific person for doing that. Only those of us that have lost a loving pet could possibly know what you are going though. My thoughts are with you.
Kristen says
Thank you so much Maryann. Your kind words definitely help. I know that in time, I will be able to think of him without the tears, but right now…its hard. I want so badly to see his face, hear his meow and be able to hug him….someday….someday
Pamela Halligan says
I am so sorry for your loss. I do understand. It’s been about nine years since I lost my beloved cat, Rebel, to diabetes. She was about six. Her sister, my sister’s cat, lived to a ripe old age of 16. I admit, I was a little jealous that she lived so much longer. I’ve lost a couple of dogs, too. It never gets easier losing a beloved furbaby. The pain gets a little better with time, but they definitely take a piece of your heart with them. I do believe our pets go to heaven, otherwise, it wouldn’t quite be heaven.
Kristen says
Thank you Pamela…I absolutely agree that Heaven just wouldn’t be Heaven without our pets. Thank you for your comments and I am sorry for your losses as well. Every pet holds a place in our heart and I can only imagine what it will be like to have them ALL reunited again and our heart will be bursting..*smile
ElizabethO says
I am sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a fur baby is never easy. I hope you take comfort in the fact that he is no longer suffering and you will be reunited again.
Kristen says
Thank you so much Elizabeth!!!!
Dottie Prater says
I am so very sorry for your loss. Your Kayden looks almost identical to my Sadie. I lost her on Mothers day last year. I too, found sadie as a stray. my son, called me from work. They previously had a mother and her kittens in their stockyard. They thought they had gotten them all. But they found the “runt”, and as he calls me Snow White, he knew I would take her. I had the pleasure of her company for 8 years. Still miss her today. I will draw comfort in the fact that perhaps she is romping through the fields with your Kayden. May God give you comfort, I know how hard it is!
Kristen says
Dottie…Thank you so very much for your kind words. I am sorry to hear that you lost your Sadie, especially on of all days…Mother’s Day….. I so very hope that do get to meet each other in Heaven and I know we will be reunited again with them one day…It is just hard to wait…
Ashley S says
I’m so sorry for the loss of your furry family member 🙁 It’s never easy to loose our beloved pets.
Kristen says
Thank you Ashley…!
Jennifer P says
My condolences on the loss of Kayden. What a beautiful cat she was. I know from experience that there’s nothing I can say that will take away that initial sharp ache. Time will dull it though, and all the good times and Kayden’s amusing little quirks will become treasured memories that you hold dear.
Kristen says
Thank you Jennifer. One of his favorite things was to sit at the bottom of the stairs and I would peak my head around the corner really quick, he would meow and I would pull my head back where he could not see it. Then, he would stealthly run up the stairs until I peaked around the corner again and he would meow and we would do that until I peaked my head around the corner and there he would be…..I will miss him so much…
Susie My SoCal Life says
I am so sorry for the loss of your kitten. We lost our beloved dog last Saturday the 12th after a very quick illness. I wrote a little bit about it at the end of my fitness friday post today, but I am still trying to sit down without crying to write Trixie the proper post she deserves
xoxox Susie
Kristen says
I am soooo sorry to hear about your loss as well Susie. I know without a doubt that Kayden and Trixie are both enjoying Heaven right now….It is just so hard to wait to see them again…..
Margaret MacKenzie says
I am so sorry for the loss of your feline furbaby…it has been 6 years since I lost Tigger, and 4 years since I lost Dulcet and Furball…I still cry when I think about them for too long or see pictures. It does get easier and less frequent of upsets but they are never truly gone. I am sending positive thoughts and hugs your way.
Kristen says
Thank you Margaret. I am so very sorry for your loss as well…Tigger, Dulcet and Furball are all waiting for you as well when one day you will be reunited. I like to think my Kayden is getting to meet ALL the wonderful animals who are also waiting for their love ones…I hope he is with my Dad until I get there..
ShellieAndBrutus says
As a vet tech I see cases like this a lot and it sucks. I’ve also lost 2 cats to renal failure . I am so, so sorry, but I am positive that you will be together again in the next chapter.
Kristen says
Thank you Shellie for your kind words. I am so sorry to hear you have also had to deal with this type of loss. It has been a little over 2 weeks since he passed and I am still struggling with coming to terms with it. Knowing that we will be together again one day does help, but the wait is going to be hard ♥
kathy downey says
While looking around your blog I came across this post and I cried while reading it as I feel your pain as I lost my little one in Nov.past and its still hard.
Kristen says
I am so sorry Kathy. I have no doubt your little one is in Heaven right now and I can hope they have both become friends!
Cheryl Grandy says
I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. We lost one of ours a year ago. The staff at Companion Animal Hospital in Dartmouth NS were so helpful, kind and professional. It doesn’t take away the pain, but it did make it all a bit easier.
Debbie White Beattie says
I’m sorry for your loss but I know exactly how you feel because although it’s been 10 years since my beloved dog Lexie suddenly passed away, I still remember the devastation and grief I felt.